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WILSON 3018958 Plasma Dark Green See-Thru Translucent Vinyl Welding Curtain c/w Grommets Size 6′ x 12′, NFPA 701

See-Thru welding curtains are made of heavy duty translucent vinyl to provide excellent protection from the U.V. radiation and blue light generated from welding activities. Curtains are made to size, with hems turned on all four sides. Grommets are positioned on 8 in. centers across the top and on 16 in. centers on both sides.

• Extra dark green vinyl to stop all U.V. radiation and blue light
• Recommended for plasma cutting or bright welding applications
• Meets California State Fire Marshal Requirements
• Exceeds OSHA Requirements
• Electronically welded hems, seams, and grommets