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PROTEKT AC360 Vertical Fall Arrest System

The AC 360 vertical fall protection system is a guided type fall arrester on a rigid vertical line, conform to EN353-1:2014 standard. The system meets the requirements of European Parliament Regulation 2016/425.

The AC360 system consists of a

    • vertical rope guide made of 8 mm diameter stainless steel rope (ref. AC 850)

The upper end of the rope guide is fitted with a shock absorber (ref. AC 362).

    • The lower end of the rope guide is fitted with a spring tensioner (ref. AC 910) spring tensioners with rope tension indicator (ref. AC 401 or AC 402).

The upper and lower (with tensioner AC 910) end of the rope guide is fastened to the fixed structure using an AZ 090 screw coupling

    • every installed guide is equipped with an information plaque (ref. AC 803 / AC 804).

The vertical rope guide with a length over 10 m features a line guide (ref. AC 922) which protects the rope guide against vibrations caused, e.g. by wind. 

    • the slider (ref. AC 363) constitutes a user’s individual protection equipment. It is installed on a guide in case of the need to use the safety system. The slider moves along the line up and down during normal user movement, and in case of a fall, locks on the line, halting the fall.
    • The system’s guide may be tilted forward and to the sides by an angle of no more than 15° in relation to the vertical.

The system is intended for a maximum of 2 simultaneous users with a weight of no more than 140 kg each.




Safety At Work