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MSA 815182 GME-P100 Combination Acidic & Alkaline Gases and Particulate Cartridge for Comfo x6

MSA 815182 GME-P100 Combination Acidic & Alkaline Gases and Particulate Cartridge for Comfo x6

The complete line of Comfo Cartridges protects against a wide variety of contaminants. Filter cartridges protect against dusts, particles and mists. Chemical Cartridges protect against gases and vapors. Combination cartridges deliver protecton from both particulate and gaseous contaminants.
Designed for easy installation, Comfo Cartridges thread directly to the cartridge recepticles on Comfo and other twin-cartidges respirators. All cartridges are interchangeable and are color-coded to indicate the type of protection offered. Most cartridges are incinerable.
The Complete Comfo line of particulate, chemical and combination cartridges are approved under 42 CFR Part 84.

Click Below for Datasheet.
MSA – Advantage Air-Purifying Respirator Cartridges


All, Above $200





Packaging Type

Box of 6 pieces, Packet of 2 pieces