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LALIZAS Hydrostatic Release Unit for Life Rafts, SOLAS/MED/USCG

LALIZAS HRU mechanism is the outcome of a long-term experience in liferafts’ manufacturing, designed and produced in the EU (in Greece), in accordance with SOLAS/MED/USCG regulations.

It can easily be installed on board, attached to the life raft according to instructions. The mechanism is being automatically activated, in the event of sinking, in a depth of between 1,5 and 4m, allowing the life raft to be inflated and detached from the sinking vessel. It can be installed to all life rafts of 4-150 persons.

• No maintenance required
• Requires replacement 2 years after installation on board
• Max. lifetime: 5 years after production date
• Tested & approved by Force Certification A/S
• SOLAS/MED/USCG approved