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CHICAGO AG20-CV 20 Cal Arc Flash Protection Coveralls Kit

Product Details

Chicago Protective Apparel’s 20 cal/cm2, HRC 2 arc flash protection suit with coverall offers a more fitted option for arc flash protection. It is optimal for longer jobs that might require more freedom of movement. Made with single layers of Ultra Soft, this clothing is guaranteed fire resistance for the life of the garment, and provides comfortable wear with an emphasis on safety. This arc flash suit has all the gear needed for electrical work at an arc flash hazard of 20 cal/cm2 or less, including head, body, and leg personal protective gear, and meets NFPA 70E/ASTM F 1506 requirements.


Features and components of CPA AG20-CV Arc Flash Coverall Kit:

  • Arc flash calorie rating 20, HRC 2
  • Compliant with NFPA 70E Standard, flame resistant clothing requirements of ASTM F1506
  • Arc flash resistant coverall SW-605-20 with front Velcro closures and leg gussets, for full body protection against heat and burns
  • Arc flash overhood SWH-20 for head and face protection
  • Hard cap E2RW-SLT, class E rated
  • 11” Optional (select desired glove size for this item to be added) Salisbury Class 0 rubber insulating gloves LRIG-0-11 for hand protection against electric shock, suitable for 1,000 VAC max
  • 10” Optional (select desired glove size for this item to be added) leather protector gloves PG-0-ADJS for protecting the rubber gloves from physical damage
  • 12” Optional (select desired glove size for this item to be added) Glove Bag GB-12 for glove storage
  • Safety glasses SW-SG
  • Ear plugs SW-EAR
  • Gear Bag 909-ARC for easy storage and carry of arc flash coverall kit



Medium, Large, Extra Large